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Hoa Sen De Montfort Programme

Cultural And Historical Traditional Documents For Students Of The Lotus Program – De Montfort

For students studying in the joint program between Hoa Sen University and De Montfort University, learning about the history and traditional culture of England is the key to helping you access and better understand the country. people where the partner University comes from.

lịch sử Vương Quốc Anh
UK history

Therefore, in this article, I would like to send DMU-HSU students some useful reference materials about British history and cultural traditions. Specifically:

1. British History

Britain is a country with a long and rich history. To better understand the formation and development of this country, you should read some books about British history such as:

1.1 A history of fashion and costume volume 3 Elizabethan England

Portraying the fashion trends and dressing styles of the English people during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1558 – 1603). Analyze the changes in fashion and clothing styles through historical periods of this period. Besides, explain the meaning and influence of fashion on Elizabethan English society.

1.2 Constitutional history of the UK compress

The full name is “Constitutional History of the UK”. The book’s content revolves around the process of formation and development of the political system and constitution of the United Kingdom.

Presents important historical periods that affected the British legal system and constitution such as the Glorious Revolution, the Reform Act… Analyzes changes in the power structure and constitutional monarchy of Britain. England through the ages.

1.3 London city lit

The book recreates the contemporary literature and culture of London, England.

Through literature to survey contemporary literature and culture, introduce typical authors and works of London literature in the 20th and 21st centuries. Analyze the influence of London’s unique location on literary works learn. Investigate the pop culture, streets of this modern city.

2. Traditional British culture

In addition to history, students of the Hoa Sen – De Montfort program should also learn more about the rich traditional culture of England such as:

Cuisine: England has many famous traditional dishes such as Fish & Chips, Pudding, Beans Toast, Croissants…

Afternoon tea: The habit of drinking tea in the afternoon is a typical British culture.

Traditional festivals: England has many large and small festivals such as the Rose Festival in Yorkshire, Guy Fawkes Fireworks Festival, Glastonbury Music Festival…

Football: The king sport of the British. The English Premier League (EPL) attracts millions of fans worldwide.

Music: Rock, Pop, Punk… are popular music genres of the British music industry. The Beatles, Queen, Coldplay… are music groups that have a great influence on world music.

Văn hóa Vương Quốc Anh
British Culture

(Details about British culture can be found on Culture Trip, BBC, VisitBritain…)

Hopefully the above reference materials will help DMU-HSU students have a deeper insight into the rich history and culture of England. Therefore, if you are planning to learn about the UK and its education, DMU-HSU is the perfect choice for you. Don’t miss this golden opportunity – register now to become a student of the DMU-HSU program to experience British education in Vietnam! Always learn and experience reality to better understand the culture of your second country! Good luck.

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