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Hoa Sen University

Science Topics

Conference papers / Conference presentations / Colloquia
1.Conference papers/ Conference presentations) Lu Van Tuan(2019). Booktalk, an engaging follow-up activity of Extensive Reading. Paper presented at the Main Conference of the 15th Annual CamTESOL Conference, 15-17/2/2019, Phnom-Penh, Cambodia. Lu Van Tuan(2018). Teaching English pronunciation with an online tool – YouGlish. Paper presented at the Research Symposium of the 14th Annual CamTESOL Conference, 09-11/2/2018, Phnom-Penh, Cambodia. Denis-Delacour Christopher (2017). “This is your moment”-The Making of a Generation? Personal Edge RMIT Workshop, Aug 2, 2017, Ho Chi Minh City/Vietnam. Denis-Delacour Christopher (2017). Great Expectations and Higher Education in Vietnam/Cultural understanding of Vietnamese Students’ needs. WACE Delegation 20th World Conference, Jun...
Introduction to the scientific research of the Faculty of Languages – International Cultures
Bộ môn Ngôn ngữ và văn hóa Anh-Mỹ Thực tiễn phát triển giáo dục không thể tách rời với hoạt động nghiên cứu. Nghiên cứu là động lực giúp gia tăng chăt lượng dạy và học ở môi trường đại học. Nghiên cứu không chỉ là đi tìm những điểm mới trong lý thuyết và thực tiễn mà còn là những nỗ lực xác nhận tính hiệu quả của một lý thuyết hoặc mô hình thực tiễn nào đó đang đước áp dụng trong cuộc sống. Bộ môn Ngôn ngữ và văn hóa Anh-Mỹ không phải là một ngoại lệ. Mặc...
Conference papers / Conference presentations / Colloquia
Tham luận (Conference papers)/ Báo cáo khoa học (Conference presentations) Lữ Văn Tuấn (2019). Booktalk, an engaging follow-up activity of Extensive Reading. Paper presented at the Main Conference of the 15th Annual CamTESOL Conference, 15-17/2/2019, Phnom-Penh, Cambodia. Lữ Văn Tuấn (2018). Teaching English pronunciation with an online tool – YouGlish. Paper presented at the Research Symposium of the 14th Annual CamTESOL Conference, 09-11/2/2018, Phnom-Penh, Cambodia. Denis-Delacour Christopher (2017). “This is your moment”-The Making of a Generation? Personal Edge RMIT Workshop, Aug 2, 2017, Ho Chi Minh City/Vietnam. Denis-Delacour Christopher (2017). Great Expectations and Higher Education in Vietnam/Cultural understanding of Vietnamese...
In June 2018, a group of lecturers of the Department of Applied Psychology participated in the Labor Research Contest organized by the International Labor Organization (ILO) in cooperation with the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs. The Department of Applied Psychology took the exam with the research topic "The relationship between gender discrimination and job satisfaction and mental health of Vietnamese workers" chaired by Master Pham Thi Thuy Tien.
Build a program to develop positive family relationships between children ages 5-6 and their parents
The topic is implemented to apply the theoretical foundation of Art therapy to create a supplementary program aimed at developing positive family relationships for children aged 5-6 and parents in Ho Chi Minh City. The new scientific findings and contributions of the project include theoretical foundations of Art therapy, positive family relationships, the difference between supplementary programs and educational programs, and the program itself aimed at developing positive family relationships for children aged 5-6 and parents. The project is carried out in Vietnam and the United States in 13 stages, ranging from surveying the current status of family education at...
Activities to Develop Cooperation Capacity for Children 5-6 years old
The study was conducted to apply the theoretical basis of Art therapy to build a supplementary program to develop positive family relationships for 5-6-year-old children and their parents. Ho Chi Minh City. The new scientific findings and contributions of the topic include the theoretical basis of Art Therapy, about positive family relationships, the difference between the supplementary program and the educational program, and about the supporting program to develop positive family relationships for 5–6-year-olds and their parents.


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